Chrome Canvas

Chrome Canvas by Google is a handy browser app for drawing quick doodles.

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Chrome Canvas - Free Online Drawing App By Google

Chrome Canvas is a web doodle drawing app released by Google that lets you make quick doodles that automatically save to your Google account. You can just type into a Chrome browser on any computer, and pull up a basic drawing app without having to download any programs or apps. Chrome Canvas first showed up as an app in a recent Chrome OS Dev build, but it’s available now on any browser that supports WebAssembly, like Firefox.

Chrome Canvas

Chrome Canvas Highlights

Chrome Canvas is pretty simple for now, with a basic toolbar consisting of pencil, pen, marker, chalk, and eraser tools (Google Picasa for Mac OS Catalina).

ou can export your drawing as a PNG file when you’re done, or pull up the same drawing on your phone.

Chrome Canvas is handy browser app for quick doodles.

Chrome Canvas

Why We Like Chrome Canvas

Neat Interface

Creative Idea

No Need To Setup

Simple To Use

Specs of Humaaans


Chrome Ininstalled




Doodle Drawing

Updated on

07 January, 2020


Web Browser







Chrome Canvas by Google

Is Chrome Canvas free for personal and commercial use? - Yes. Chrome Canvas is now completely Free for both commercial download or personal use.

Should I download anyting to use Chrome Canvas? - No. Since Chrome Canvas is an online doodle drawing tool, it doesn't require anything before downloading or using.

What's the disadvantages of Chrome Canvas? - Every app is built for particular purpose. So does this free online web drawing app. As Chrome Canvas currently is just released for couple weeks, for sure it has big potential on new feature update.

Will Chrome Canvas be always Free? - It depends. Have Safari installed on your Mac and want to uninstall Safari on Mac? Try Omni Remover >

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